7 Reasons Why Upskilling Or Reskilling is Important in 2023

7 Reasons Why Upskilling Or Reskilling is Important in 2023

Times are changing rapidly, upskilling and reskilling is becoming an important part of personal development. Imagine you’re sitting at your desk, staring at your computer screen, and you’re wondering how you got here. Although you’ve maintained the same position for the last 5 years, a lot has changed since then. Your boss bursts in suddenly and drops a bombshell. They say, “We are automating your work.” We’ll provide you with a severance package and help you locate employment, so don’t worry.

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You’re in a panic. You’ve been doing the same thing for the previous 5years, and suddenly you’re expected to take it back up and start over? With all the young, tech-savvy youngsters out there, how are you going to compete?

Level up yourself

Enhancing your skills and reskill is important to acquire new abilities and information to increase your employability. You begin looking into various certifications and training courses and would be astounded by how much there is to discover. You had no idea that there were as many different computer languages as there were or how exciting data analysis might be.

The idea of learning something new excites you, but you’re also a little nervous. Even though you’re unsure if you can handle the challenge, you’re determined to give it a shot. You decide to enroll in a few classes and make the leap. Despite the effort, you enjoy yourself. Both new knowledge and fresh acquaintances are being gained. Even the thought of enjoying the “reskilling and upskilling” process crosses your mind.

Following that, a potential employer calls you one day. Your new abilities and expertise have them interested in making you an offer of employment. You feel fantastic. Although you never imagined it, you were able to compete with the youthful, tech-savvy kids. It pays for you to reskill and advance your skills.

Don’t be like yourself, and don’t wait for anything horrible to happen before you start thinking about reskilling and upskilling, is the moral of the story.

You might have heard these words a lot recently — but what do they mean? While they both imply learning new skills, there is a difference. Let’s take a closer look.

1. Reskilling

Retraining is the process of obtaining new skills or information in order to explore new career options or adjust to changing job needs. As technology and automation continue to transform the labor market, rendering some skills and knowledge outdated and creating new needs for others, it is becoming more and more crucial.

2. upskilling

Reskilling and upskilling both relate to acquiring new abilities, but upskilling is more frequently used to describe acquiring talents that are in great demand in the labor market right now or will be in the future.

Why Reskilling and Upskilling are Important

If we choose to stay ignorant to improvement, we will overtime loss the ability to earn more money, even lossing it thanks to newer and newer technology taking over our society. This is one of the five reason why people remain poor. Here are some example of why we have to keep improving ourselves.

1. To Meet the Demands of the Digital Economy

People must possess the skills and knowledge required to use digital technology effectively if they are to satisfy the expectations of the digital economy. Many companies and sectors are hiring people with digital talents like data analysis, programming, and digital marketing as the world gets more digitized. These abilities can boost a person’s employability and income potential.

One of the most sought-after skills in the digital economy is data analysis. Businesses want individuals who can analyze and interpret data to help them make decisions as the amount of data accessible grows. Another in-demand ability is programming since many companies are increasingly creating and utilizing software to automate their procedures and increase productivity.

Another critical talent for the digital economy is digital marketing. Businesses need to be able to effectively sell their goods and services online as more and more transactions take place online. This includes expertise in areas like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, and online advertising.

People should have a comprehensive awareness of digital technologies and how they can be applied in many businesses in addition to these specific abilities. This includes expertise in big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things.

2. Growing digital technologies and innovation

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While digitalization was underway prior to COVID, the pandemic has accelerated the rise of the digital economy. This has led to some major developments in the world of work. These include:

Digital transformation

While companies were previously reluctant to switch their traditional systems to digital, the pandemic almost left them with no choice. If they wanted to continue doing business while the world was in lockdown, they needed to work digitally.

This has led to a sharp rise in the development of new apps, systems, and software. As a result, employers have had to retrain their workforce to use this technology. Yet, where technology is replacing workplace jobs, such as traditional administrative roles, workers are having to reskill to find other roles.

New job roles

Digitalization is creating new job positions that didn’t exist 10 years ago. These are typically associated with using and developing technology such as app developers, cloud computing specialists, social media managers, and user experience managers.

And the current demand for these jobs is on the rise. As a result, more people are now looking to gain these skills and find work within the burgeoning tech sector.


One of the downsides of the growth in technology is that it is replacing a large number of low-skilled, manual jobs. Although automation has been happening for many years, this is likely to increase much more rapidly in the coming years.

The BBC reports that “Up to 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world could be replaced by robots by 2030.”

As their jobs become redundant, these workers are having to reskill or upskill in order to find new work.

3. The impact of COVID

The impact of COVID on Unsplash

As a result of the pandemic, unemployment rates have skyrocketed, with the opposite true for job security. This has had detrimental effects on people’s livelihoods and led to a sizeable reduction in the global economy.

However, as history shows us, a global pandemic or major natural disaster is usually followed by a period of prosperity. Research has found that even though COVID still exists, the world is on the verge of a post-pandemic boom.

For instance, many economic forecasters expect America’s economy to grow by 6% (4% higher than its pre-pandemic trend) and the UK’s is set to grow at its fastest rate in more than 70 years. We can see this happening already in other parts of the world, for example, in China whose economy grew a record 18.3% in the final quarter of 2021.

With all this growth and optimism, gaining new skills will put you in a better position to take advantage of a stronger economy. So, if you want to make sure you’ve got the edge, it’s time to start thinking about upgrading your current skills or changing your career path altogether now.

4. To Enhance Personal Development and Growth

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In addition to assisting people in achieving their personal and professional objectives, learning new skills and information can be a pleasant and motivating experience. Additionally, it can support greater self-assurance and self-worth.

5. To continue being motivated and involved in work

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People may feel disillusioned and underwhelmed in their existing employment when the workplace and job requirements change. Retraining and upskilling can help a person rediscover their enthusiasm and motivation for their work and boost job satisfaction. People are more likely to be interested and motivated at work when they believe they are continually learning and developing.

6. To Improve Communication Skills

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To Improve Communication Skills on Unsplash

Any profession requires excellent communication as a critical skill. You may enhance your communication abilities and be better equipped to express your ideas and opinions by reskilling and upgrading your skills in subjects like public speaking, writing, and negotiation.

7. To Increase Networking Possibilities


Reskilling and upskilling can give people the chance to network with other experts in their industry, broaden their horizons, and obtain insightful knowledge, sound counsel, and mentorship.


In today’s work economy, reskilling and upskilling are becoming more and more crucial. People must possess the abilities necessary to use developing technologies effectively since they are changing the way we work. Individuals who reskill and upskill can better their career opportunities, future-proof their careers, meet the demands of the digital economy, enhance personal growth and development, and remain engaged and motivated in their work. Reskilling and upskilling can also help people stay relevant and competitive in the job market.

Some FAQs about upskilling and reskilling

Here are some FAQx that may need to be addressed.

Q: How can I reskill or upskill?
A: There are many ways to reskill or upskill, including taking classes or training programs, getting certifications, attending workshops or seminars, or self-learning through online resources.

Q: Is reskilling or upskilling expensive?
A: The cost of reskilling or upskilling can vary depending on the program or training. Some options may be free or low-cost, while others may be more expensive. It’s important to research different options and find one that fits your budget.

Q: How long does it take to reskill or upskill?
A: The amount of time it takes to reskill or upskill can vary depending on the skill or knowledge you’re trying to acquire. Some training programs may take only a few weeks, while others may take several months.

Q: Can I reskill or upskill while working?
A: Yes, it is possible to reskill or upskill while working. Many training programs and courses offer flexible schedules, online learning options, or part-time options that can accommodate working individuals.

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