10 Best Paid Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing in 2023

10 Best Paid Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing in 2023

Affiliate marketing’s best-paid traffic sources are ones you may not have thought of before. If you are new to affiliate marketing, you have probably tried a few free ways to sell your business. SEO, blogging, YouTube, social media, and forum marketing all work, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, they can be very slow.

Here are some of the best-paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing so that you can “shortcut” your way to success and start getting instant focused traffic to your affiliate sites sooner rather than later.

How I Started Affiliate Marketing

10 Best Paid Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing in 2023

Before I carry on sharing my tips on affiliate marketing, I want you to know the person behind this content.

Hi, my name is Edmund; Founder of HustleVenture, I have been a content writer for over 3 years now helping more than 20+ businesses with SEO marketing and getting them passive leads and income through affiliate marketing. These days, I act more like a business consultant

Over the last few years, while building my writing portfolio, I slowly found myself leaning towards certain affiliate programs that have higher conversion rates that could fetch me higher income.

If you are a first-time writer or new to affiliate marketing, I would give you the honest advice that getting paid to share affiliate links may take a while before you start to see any reasonable traction.

It took me over 56 articles before I made my first earning through affiliate marketing. That’s when I knew I could make passive income out of it.

Why Most Affiliate Marketers Fail

I can safely say that 99% of affiliate links won’t get you any sales. It isn’t the product that sells, it is usually how the content is delivered. Either that or the product you are recommending has a short shelf life.

Think about how SEO marketing affects affiliate links, chances are the content will only rank on Google after 6 to 12 months. During that time, the product could have been sold off or the seller had changed the information. This means that all you are left with is a broken link and zero links to make an income.

That’s why I always tell my business partner to focus on finding really good affiliate links to only recommend. Those are really rare!

How to Pick Good Affiliate Links to Market

To pick the best affiliate link to use, here are the guideline to find good products or services to promote:

  • The seller must have at least a 4.5-star rating for the service and show quality in standard
  • Strong value add to the customer
  • Good lengthy product and service description; video information would be the best
  • Product or service must make the customer feel comfortable buying (e.g. warranty, money back)
  • Have been around in the market for quite some time
  • Affiliate products must have a sufficient quantity

Take your time to find a good affiliate link, it’s way easier than having to fix broken links in the future once you have built a strong affiliate linking system for your business.

10 Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms

With all that said, here is what I’ve personally that I find are the top 10 best-paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing that you can use right now to start getting more affiliate earnings for your business:

1) Ads on Facebook

Even if you don’t believe it, Facebook ads are very specific. Their traffic is good, and there isn’t a lot of click fraud on their network, so you don’t have to think about that.

Ads on Facebook

You can start using Facebook Ads for as little as $5 per day, and based on your niche, you could start getting clicks for as little as $0.50 per click and go all the way up to $70.

These clicks work well, but you can’t just count on Facebook ads. You can’t just put up a landing page with very little information and expect Facebook to accept your ad.

They are strict about what they let on their network, and you have to follow the rules of a good landing page.

Once you’ve made a landing page that follows their rules, you can expect a steady flow of good traffic that converts well with your affiliate deals.

2) Google Ads

Google Ads is big. If you didn’t know, it’s owned by Google, and it has a huge number of websites where you can put ads.

By signing up for Google Ads, you can advertise on the search network, and the display network, build remarketing campaigns, and even advertise on YouTube. And the best thing about Google Ads is that once you pay for it, you can start getting people to your partner site.

black samsung tablet display google browser on screen

It’s best to set aside a budget to track how much you spend on ads so you don’t waste money on clicks that don’t lead to sales. Most people think of Google Ads as a short-term solution, but it can be a long-term answer if you know how to make your ads lead to your affiliate offer.

You should look at how much money you are making from the product you are pushing compared to how much you are spending on ads. Always make sure that the fee you get is more than what you spend on ads.

3) Ads from Microsoft

Microsoft Ads is a lot like Google Ads, but ads are shown on the Bing.com network of sites instead of Google’s. Microsoft Ads isn’t as big as Google Ads, but it can still bring good traffic to your affiliate deal.

glass panels exterior of the microsoft building

Bing search engine is used by more than 1.1 billion people every month. If you’re advertising to get leads, make sure you keep track of how much you’re spending and how many leads you’re getting every day.

You might have to change your bid prices to get the right cost per lead for your partner’s offer to make money in the long run.

4) Banner Ads

Banner ads are a great way to directly promote affiliate deals. I like to use BuySellAds.com to place banner ads on sites that are in my area. You can also promote on BuySellAds, depending on what you sell.

Most of the banner ads you’ll be putting up will be 728×90 and at the top of the page, where people can click on them right away. This size of a banner ad is especially good at getting people’s attention and getting them to click on it.

Banner advertising is done all over the Internet, which is something you should know. So it’s possible that people have “banner ad blindness” because they see banners all over the web that don’t tell them anything useful.

So, think carefully about where you put your flash ads. Make sure your message is clear and your call to action is strong.

Here’s another one of the best-paid traffic sources I can think of for affiliate marketing:

5) Local Marketing

Native advertising is not new, but affiliate marketers who want to get more leads for their affiliate deals don’t use it enough. Native advertising is a form of subliminal advertising in which the ad is built into the theme of a website so that it doesn’t stand out.

There are no logos or annoying pop-ups that make people leave the site quickly. Instead, they are put in a way that makes people want to click on them, and it doesn’t look like an ad at all.

Native ads are known to be a smart way to get people to visit your website without making readers feel rejected. So, if you word your ad correctly, your affiliate marketing deal can stand out and get more clicks than banner ads.

Here’s another one of the best-paid traffic sources I can think of for affiliate marketing:

6) Mobile Advertising

Mobile is the fastest-growing source of traffic, if you didn’t already know that, and mobile video ads is on the rise. Because it has specialized ad networks, it is the leader in this area of advertising.

photo of woman using mobile phone

On average, a person spends about 3 hours and 15 minutes on the phone scrolling through the Internet.

When you do mobile advertising, you should make sure that the flash ads on your website are set up to work well on mobile devices. Mobile users tend to convert differently than PC users, and even though mobile advertising is cheaper, the returns are usually high.

Over half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices, so if you ignore this source of traffic, you are leaving money on the table.

7) Retargeting

Url Redirecting GIF by Derek Tee

Retargeting is when leads and buyers see ads on third-party sites again. It helps people who already know about your affiliate offer come back to your site and get back into your affiliate sales funnel. This generally leads to higher conversion rates without you having to do much.

8) Advertising on social media

We’ve already talked about Facebook, but promoting on social media can be a great way to bring people to your affiliate marketing offer. Sites like Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and Pinterest send a lot of focused traffic back to your website. There are many ways to use social media to market your business.

photo of hand holding a black smartphone

These days, it looks like it is increasingly popular to use Tiktok to promote your business or affiliate. You can make sponsored video ads, show banner ads, inline ads, and even do influencer marketing.

With the right ad, social media can send a lot of traffic back to your partner site. This can lead to new leads, new signups, and a lot of new affiliate commissions.

9) Notifications that “Push”

Even though push notifications are new, there is no doubt that they work. Push notifications used to be a way for mobile users to get email alerts right away on their phones. Now, they are a great way to automatically promote items.

You know you’re marketing to qualified people when you send push notifications to users who have opted in to receive information. Also, each ad is displayed at eye level on a user’s phone, so every impression is seen by a live person.

You can change the ads by adding logos, images, descriptions, and titles, which makes them great for getting people’s attention and trying which ads work best. You can get your push notification ads up and running right away with sites like Propeller Ads, Adcash, RichAds, and AdMaven.

Here’s another one of the best-paid traffic sources I can think of for affiliate marketing:

10) Sending mail

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Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on Pexels.com

This is an offline way to get people to your affiliate offer, but you shouldn’t discount the power of direct mail. This is usually helpful for marketers who sell expensive products and want to make a high commission on each sale ($1000 or more).

Direct mail is a big topic in and of itself, but all you have to do to make a lot of money is rent a mailing list and send it to people who have paid for a similar product to the one you’re marketing.

Some partner marketers have done well with postcard marketing, while others like sending out direct envelopes. Direct mail has a high conversion rate, so you should think about using it in your partner business.

Best Paid Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing

Here are the 10 best-paid traffic sources I’ve found for affiliate marketing that works like a charm to bring in new partner commissions. That said, here are some similar articles for you to level up your affiliate marketing business:

No matter how you choose to advertise your affiliate offers, make sure that your fee is enough to cover your advertising costs. So, you can make more money and let your business run itself.

If you want to run ads for your affiliate product, make sure to follow the tips here and try each one to see if it works well for the affiliate offer you’re pushing.

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