Meet BREAVA; The Future of the Creative Industry for Gen Z

Why You Should Know BREAVA; The Future of the Creative Industry for Gen Z

From video marketing, advertisement promotion, motion graphic animation, social media management, and many others. At the same time, there may be some growing popular creative agencies in Singapore. BREAVA  stands out from the rest of its competitors as someone reliable and willing to go the extra mile.

In today’s growing need for online marketing, creative agencies are becoming a popular business for young entrepreneur to share their creativity and promote businesses that are looking for better brand awareness.

Meet the Team from BREAVA

Meet the Team from BREAVA
Group photo of BREAVA

Coming together by Brenda and Jingyi, two friends turned partners. They believe in providing and challenging the marketing industry with enhanced creative ideas.

In Singapore’s creative industry, many workers face tough deadlines to meet and monotonous tasks. Their definition of “creativity” is limited to their higher-ups and their job is to focus on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) as a major indicator of a project’s success rather than allowing their employee to express their creativity freely. 

And at the end of every project, the ones that ripe the benefits were the higher-ups. The creative team had little to nothing to grow from.

By setting up their own business, BREAVA is looking to set itself away from the conventional business by empowering everyone on the team to take ownership and every achievement they make along the way. 

What Makes Them Better

“(HustleVenture) When I first entered BREAVA’s office, I was surprised to know that every project in BREAVA is celebrated and framed up for everyone on the team to remember their hardwork. I thought that this little action seemed heartwarming and a great effort to keep the team together knowing what they are working hard for.”

By being a leader who focuses on maximizing creativity and uniqueness, BREAVA designs and marketing are contributed by every team member involved as they come together with open discussion and thought process instead of a single voice. In a way, everyone in the team takes ownership of their ability and strives to push themselves harder to grow a business as a whole.

Businesses that worked with other creative agencies before would understand they aren’t paying for a single creative team leader’s idea. They are paying for BREAVA’s team of creatives that takes ownership of every work they’ve done.

2 Years Working with 8 Industries

Thanks to word-of-mouth and building a strong “people relation” business, BREAVA has helped market over 8 different industries such as:

  • Beauty and Skin Care
  • Optical
  • Insurance
  • Web3
  • Health
  • Media
  • Alcohol
  • Florist

Being able to tackle 8 different industries is no easy feat and having them as recurring clients means that the project must succeed and get the result clients are looking for. 

Each project is painstakingly customized to meet the specific needs of our customers. Brenda, one of the founders, shines in this area. She expertly leads customers through the actions required to meet their marketing and commercial goals while offering a tailored and encouraging experience.

Struggles to Define “Value”


What is a design someone would scream “I love it!”

It’s hard to measure the success of an art when it comes to the value of creativity. Not only that, the level of creativity has to match the vibes of the business branding. And at the end of every project, how do you justify the price of creativity?

Those were the struggles of a growing creative team. With minimal testimony to work with, how do you succeed in a highly competitive environment?

The Turning Point

The question the partners had was:

 “How can we build our network and brand from scratch?”

I guess those were the thoughts of every entrepreneur when they first started. The uncertainty and fear of what lies ahead can either be an opportunity or a pitfall depending on how we approach the situation.

It’s not easy. But is it worth it? Will see.

Superior Quality and High Regard for Standards

With her ongoing growth as an entrepreneur and student, she is still doing her Master’s in Design. Jingyi knew what she learned in school could help bring the latest trends and creativity into the business. 

Her artistic sense is well respected and an important gauge of whether every project sent out matches the client’s needs and descriptions that are looking for. While this means more work for the team, they believe that over time as they continue to push for higher standards, businesses will start to take notice.

And that they did!

The Road to Being Successful in the Creative Industry

In the creative industry, almost every business knows one another and the competition is a constant battle of quality. As what Brenda says to his team: 

Everyone here needs to pull their weight, we are moving and looking out for one another.

To measure the success of the company, well, it all has to do with the team. Be happy with every small win and the process of growing as a team. It makes the journey more enjoyable and worth every step of the way.

What Made the Team Got to Where They Are Today

What Made the Team Got to Where They Are Today

(HustleVenture) I believe the reason BREAVA is where they are today has to do with the strong synergy they have between the partners. Each of them complements one other strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, they all come together for one common goal:

Unleash Your Imagination, Make Excellence Routine

As Singapore and many countries around the world are moving towards digital marketing, the need for creative agencies is only going to get more competitive. And the only way to stand out and apart from the rest is superior quality. 

If you ever get the chance to work with BREAVA, you will enjoy the process of having all your marketing needs resolved and being able to slowly hands-off from marketing itself would be what many business owners are dying to have.

If you are interested in working with BREAVA, you can reach out to the company via the link below:


How do you measure the success of a marketing campaign?

Success metrics vary based on the campaign goals. Whether it’s increased brand awareness, lead generation, or sales, we establish clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the outset. Regular reporting and analysis allow us to track progress and make data-driven adjustments for optimal results.

How do you tailor your strategies to fit the specific needs of each client?

Our approach is highly customized. We begin by conducting a thorough analysis of your business, target audience, and industry landscape. This enables us to craft strategies that align with your unique goals and resonate with your audience, ensuring maximum impact.

How do you integrate social media into your marketing strategies?

Social media is a powerful tool, and our strategies often include a strong social media component. We create engaging content, leverage targeted advertising, and utilize analytics to measure performance. This ensures that our clients maintain a dynamic and impactful presence across various social platforms.

What kind of services does BREAVA offer?

If you would like to learn more about what BREAVA can do, you can check out their service page link here.

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