“Buy me a Coffee” made me a 3 Figure Writer

Buy me a coffee

Have you ever dreamed of earning money doing something you love?

Well, I have some exciting news to share, I made $369 from Buy Me a Coffee in less than two months. And the best part is that I am doing something I’m truly passionate about — writing.

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screenshot by an author from his BMC dashboard

It all started when I discovered BMC(Buy me Coffee), a platform that allows creators to monetize their passion and connect with their audience.

At first, I was a bit skeptical. How could a simple platform like BMC make such a big difference in my life?

But I decided to give it a shot, and boy, am I glad I did.

With BMC, I was able to invite my readers to support me by buying me a coffee. It might seem like a small gesture, but it made all the difference in the world. It kept me motivated and fueled to create more content. But BMC didn’t just help me earn money through donations. It also allowed me to sell my services directly on my page.

screenshot by an author from his BMC page

As a writer, I started by offering my writing services and soon had a steady stream of clients. I have a piece of exciting news to share with you all.

BMC Recognize

Recently, the team at Buy Me a Coffee reached out to me to let me know that they were impressed with my page and the work that I’m doing. In fact, they went so far as to say that I have the best page on their platform. I was absolutely blown away by this recognition.

It’s one thing to have readers and supporters enjoy your work, but to have the platform itself recognize your efforts is truly special. To show their appreciation, the Buy Me a Coffee team even bought me six coffees as a THANK YOU for being the best creator on their platform.

It was such a thoughtful gesture, and it really goes to show the kind of community that BMC has created.

screenshot by an author from his BMC page

This recognition has only further motivated me to continue creating content and connecting with my readers. It’s a reminder that hard work and dedication do pay off, and that there are people out there who appreciate and value your work.

I want the same results

I know, making money can be a struggle for a writer on a platform like Medium. But with Buy Me a Coffee, you’ll able to turn your passion into profit. And the best part?

You don’t even need a website.

BMC offers all the options I need to sell my services and connect with my readers, all for free. It’s truly a game-changer. With a simple and stunning page, I’ve been able to attract supporters and clients alike. I know that creating a stunning BMC page can be daunting. You need high-quality copywriting and visuals that make your page stand out.

Reach Out to Me!

That’s why I want to offer my help. I’ve spent months perfecting my BMC page and have seen real results. And now, I want to help others do the same. If you’re interested in earning money through BMC but don’t know where to start, let me help you create a page that is better than your website.

All you need to do is answer a few questions, and I’ll take care of the rest.

With my expertise, I can create a page that not only captures your unique voice and style but also implements a complete strategy to turn BMC into your main income stream. I’ll work with you to understand your goals and audience and create a page that drives engagement and sales.

I’ll also help you craft the perfect message (call to action) that motivates your readers to take action and support your work. As a successful writer on BMC, I understand the platform’s potential, and I can guide you through every step of the process to ensure your page stands out in a crowded space. Even better, with BMC, you don’t need to pay. All the options are free of cost.

Happy reading & Supporting the creators!

Struggling to get paid what you deserve? Let me give you a hand!

Get your BMC page published and edited by me: “Buy me a Coffee” made me a 3 Figure Writer

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